We are in crisis, BoG financing budget is right-Bokpin; GHS10 billion loan is not within law-Gatsi

Professor Bokpin
Professor Bokpin

Economist Professor Godfred Bokpin says this is the time for the Bank of Ghana to finance the country’s budget in order not to stifle the economy from growth, amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to him, it is not new for the Bank of Ghana to finance the country’s budget, saying, it has existed all this while until 2015 when the then government requested for financial support to the economy from the International Monetary Fund which led to a freeze in that provision. 

The Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta today 28th May, 2020 tabled before parliament a proposal for amendment to the 2020 Budget in order for the government to borrow GHS10 billion from the Bank of Ghana to close the fiscal gap. This is to address the financing gap as a result of low imports and tax revenue.

But speaking to Class FM News, Professor Bokpin who is also a Finance lecturer at the University of Ghana Business School said”As to whether the Bank of Ghana should step in or not I think we have gone past the level. The needful thing to do right now is what we talk about money financing or monetization of the deficit; this is the right time to do it, that is my candid view.”  

He added that “The next stage is how do we deploy money and ensure greater value of money so that it goes to the productive sectors of the economy and achieve efficiency. That way you minimise the extent to which this could hit the economy and create inflationary pressures.”  

Explaining further, the financial expert said “Lets look at this way. The Fiscal Responsibility Act makes provision for exceptional circumstances, the Fiscal Responsibility Act understands that there are normal times and there are extraordinary times. For instance it will be unique this year to talk about the 5% threshold in terms of the fiscal discipline, then it means that you do not appreciate what is going on and the enormity of the problem we have right now.  

“All over the world, what countries are doing is to do whatever  that it takes to contain the impact and limit the impact as far as possible; because the point is that you can’t even talk about COVID-19 if you don’t do what you have to do to get out of this and begin to talk about the next phase”.  

“We need to understand where we are now as a country and I believe that it serves no body’s interest to belittle the impact of COVID-19. We are not more concern about the fiscal discipline than the US. we are not more concern about debt sustainability thant the IMF and the World Bank. In fact we are not more concern about debt sustainability than the Fiscal Responsibility Act, but you will see that all over the world nobody is talking about debt sustainability today even to the extent that the IMF is quiet silent on debt sustainability because we have a huge crisis, economic crisis. The fiscal deficit of the US is even now about 18% of GDP”, said Professor Bokpin.    

He however called for the policing of the funds to ensure they are deployed effectively and efficiently, saying, “that is the way to go.”  

Meanwhile, Dean of University of Cape Coast Business School, Professor John Gatsi has said that GHS10 billion being borrowed by from the Bank of Ghana by the government is not within law.  

According to him, Section 30 a quoted by the Finance Minister is clear that the funds are supposed to be a temporary loan or advances, whilst Section 3 of that law also stipulates that monies should be repayed within three months.  

However, the Finance Minister is asking for 2-year moratorium and an interest equivalent to the monetary policy rate for 10 years. “Its not clear to me that is within the law”, he said.  

“The situation is a form of aggravation of the already existing precarious nature of the economy in terms of the finances. The point is that during the period of emergency and then pandemic, there should be expenditure prioritization and refocusing.  

“The government has failed in this area of expenditure realignment, expenditure reorganization, re-rationalization and refocusing. If you don’t do that the picture will not be clear to us”, he pointed out.  



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