SageSir’s Top 10 Coins for 2018

Top 10 Coins for 2018

SageSir’s Top 10 Coins for 2018:

1) LITECOIN (ltc):

Though all top market renowned coins are likely to do very well in 2018, I tip litecoin to have the most growth as it did last year. It is currently at $241 and I predict it will be at least $1000 by end of Q3.

What makes Litecoin unique is, it is four times the quantity of bitcoin yet processes transactions at 1/4 the speed bitcoin uses. It is, in my opinion, the most likely cryptocurrency to be adopted for payments in 2018 as many companies will seek to integrate cryptocurrency payments into their platform, Facebook comes to mind.

They have a great development team and loyal community. Their president, Charlie Lee, is a crypto community favourite and can easily drive the market with his Asian influence. He has promised aggressive marketing for Litecoin in 2018.

In my opinion the current $241 price is a nice steal! –


Called the Ethereum Killer, Neo is loved as the Chinese Ethereum. Ethereum’s programming language Solidity will make Neo more attractive since its language will be python, java and .Net.

China as a nation is fond of rejecting external brands and creating their own. It is predicted that once the China ban on crypto trading and exchanges is lifted, Neo will become China’s number one cryptocurrency which will be accepted for their ICO’s.

Neo current price at $120 is a sweet spot in view that it can go as high up as $2000 by end of 2018 if ban is lifted by end of Q1. –


The goal of the ICON Project is to provide an intermediary block chain which acts as an open source ecosystem to allow different communities, institutions, and block chains to interact while maintaining their autonomy.

ICON was the first ICO I was really crazy about though kickcoin was the first ICO I participated in. In a world where there are tens of thousands of coins, ICON wants to build the interconnecting interface between currencies.

Imagine sending bitcoin to a company that accepts litecoin and then as soon as it hits the company the icon block chain instantly changes it to what is accepted there, taking away the stress of manually using exchanges.

How cool is that? I see this as a real use for the space and because it is positioning itself to be every coins friend, it has real potential to boom. I predict it to be at least $100 by end of 2018 if they are able to meet their roadmap deadlines consistently.

Current price is $9.68. –


Red Pulse looks to become a large scale economic research entity in China and already have a running business with clients including Bloomberg, Reuters, and S&P Capital. This was the second ICO I was crazy about last year.

A month to the ICO date, whitelist was done and dusted, ICO finished with 120min which is the fastest ICO I ever saw. It is also the first token to be created on the neo platform. What makes Red Pulse attractive is the fact that they were an existing business with big partners as mentioned above before launching their block chain project which makes people confident they can move their traditional investors into the crypto portfolio.

The biggest setback has been the China ban but with the announcement of more exchanges listing Neo pairs I predict a rise from Current price of $0.5 to be at least $15 by close of 2018 or better if China ban gets lifted. –

5) VERTCOIN (vtc)

Vertcoin is basically all that Bitcoin users wish Bitcoin is. It has one of the best decentralized mining systems. Vertcoin was written in a way to allow a wide network of people mine it and not the ASIC monopoly bitcoin is faced with now because of cost of Asic rigs.

It has implemented segregated witness, allowing for increased block size and faster transactions which bitcoin has been undecided about. It has also implemented the lightening network in alpha phase, another thing bitcoin is yet to come to a consensus on.

It has stealth addresses which allow you to process anonymous transactions; a feature that would make it a go to coin in 2018.

It has the vert-1-click miner and is able to carry out atomic cross chain swaps which means being able to change vertcoin to most coins directly without transaction fees.

It has all the makings of a great coin! Current price is $6.06 and I predict it to be $150 by end of 2018.  –


Substratum seeks to decentralise the web as we know it. This is a big project for crypto. The only way governments can greatly limit the progress of crypto is to block access to certain websites and monitor activities on the web.

The web as we know it now is being monitored. Substratum seeks to level the playing field. Substratum will solve popular web problems like net neutrality, international barriers, lower hosting cost, a crypto paying web tools, artificial intelligence functionalities, among others.

If we are going to have decentralised exchanges that governments cannot shut down, this will be our foundation; that is decentralised web where we can have a truly global web.

Current price: $2.15, I predict it could easily go to $50 by close of 2018. –


For anyone who has been trading on exchanges lately you will realize fees are getting outrageous! Cobinhood promises a zero-trading fees platform which solves the existing issues we have with current exchanges.

In addition, Cobinhood’s Spark Program will help well-known enterprises, successful start-up companies, and celebrities launch their ICOs, which means their token value will continuously appreciate with partnerships.

Cobin plans to also launch a decentralised exchange, which will be free from Government regulations. IF kucoinshares and Binancecoin are anything to go buy, Cobinhood tokens can easily be a $50 coin by close of 2018.

Current price is: $1.12 –

8) CARDANO (Ada)

Cardano offers users a decentralized public block chain, as well as a cryptocurrency project with complete open sourcing. At the moment, Cardano is working on a smart contract platform.

When completed, this will provide features that are more advanced than any other protocol developed so far.

In addition to offering a cryptocurrency, Ada, Cardano has a technological platform. When completed, it can run financial applications that individuals, governments, and other organizations worldwide use on a daily basis.

After this, the team will build a computer layer that handles smart contracts, which are the digital legal agreements underpinning future business and commerce. Additionally, Cardano will run dapps, or decentralized applications that operate using a block chain instead of being controlled by one party.

Many consider Ada as Ethereum 2.0 and are determined to ride it to prominence as many financial institutions adopt the platform to create and run their applications.

Current price is $0.78 and likely to follow ethereum’s trajectory to $100 by close of 2018 and $1000 by close of 2019. –

9) Vechain (Ven/Vet)

Vechain is using block chain technology to tackle the growing issue of fake products by revolutionizing the supply chain. The digital identification of assets on the block chain will enable transparent production lines, symmetrical databases, asset traceability and authenticity of goods.

The supply chain industry is huge and with Ven, the issue of counterfeiting goods can be solved and bring credibility to markets such as China that has lost money to this menace every year. It is therefore not surprising that the government of China has thrown its full weight behind Vechain (Ven).

The government’s partnership with Ven makes it one of the most undervalued coins in the crypto sphere. Ven has also announced ongoing negotiations with PWC and other top global brands.

At a current price of $6.11, Vechain is far from starting its bull run. I consider it one of my biggest coins to watch for 2018. I predict Ven will easily cross the $100 mark before close of 2018. –


The INS ecosystem seeks to revolutionize the grocery industry. According to the INS team, the grocery industry has two large problems: abuse by grocery retailers and ineffective trade promotions.

INS looks to facilitate direct consumer to manufacturer grocery transactions and fulfilment to solve these two problems. By enabling consumers to buy directly from the manufacturer, the consumer will save on the supply chain costs accrued in value chain and the manufacturer will gain optics into real-time transaction data to better drive their business decisions.

Both will save on costs. Ever since declaring their solution and releasing their roadmap, INS has seen quite a huge number of partnerships. Partnerships include Civic, Amborous, Digital X, among others.

At current price of $5.6 and soon to be listed on OkEx I predict the price to break the $50 mark by close of 2018.  –

Other coins of notable mention under $1 include

Dentcoin, XVG, Tronix (TRX), Stellar Lumen (XLM).

Other coins worth mentioning

Omiseg (OMG), Neblio, Qtum, Powr, lisk, adx, Wtc, Mona, iota, wabi, rxb, cloak.

Also look out for Neo pair coins such is Dragon Chain, Oyster Pearl, Deepbrain, TheKey, among others. Many exchanges will be listing Neo pairings on their site by end of first quarter. When this was initially announced, all Neo pair coins had a jump. I expect that to happen when it’s actually implemented.

NB: This post is not a financial paper nor an instructive investment tool. You are responsible for the decisions you make with the information provided. Cheers. #Sagesir


*The author is a Business developer and Crypto Geek, Derrydean and Heritors.


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