Ghana’s July PPI hits 10.6%


The Producer Price Inflation (PPI) rate which measures the change over time in the prices received by domestic producers for July 2015 has hit 10.6 percent, the Ghana Statistical Service has announced.
This rate indicates that, between July 2014 and July 2015, the PPI increased by 10.6 percent, representing a 12.5 percentage point decrease in the producer inflation relative to the rate recorded in June 2015 (23.1).
The month on month change in producer price index between June and July 2015 was -1.1 percent.
In the mining and quarrying sub-sector, the producer price inflation decreased by 28.5 percentage points over the June 2015 rate of 30.0 percent, to record 1.5 percent in July 2015.
Manufacturing, which constitutes more than two-thirds of total industry decreased by 8.4 percentage points to record 13.5 percent.
The utilities sub sector recorded an inflation rate of 7.3 percent in July 2015, indicating a decrease of 13.5 percentage point over the June 2015 rate of 20.8.
In the petroleum sub-sector, the inflation rate was 77.3 percent in July 2014, and thereafter fluctuated until November 2014 when it recorded a rate of 61.1 percent.


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