Let’s join hands to improve tax collection


The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) in a recent publication called on consumers to be more diligent and insist on tax invoices when they undertake any business transaction which attracts taxes.

This call was aimed at sensitizing the general public to help check tax evasion and tax underpayments by businesses.

The Assistant Commissioner of the Compliance, Enforcement and Debt Management Unit of the Authority, Dr. Dela Heloo, made the call and explained that paying more attention to receipts and tax invoices would result in an improvement in tax laws compliance.
One important aspect of good citizenship when it comes to taxation is that tax collection is a partnership deal.

It is therefore our responsibility as citizens to see tax collection as a civil duty which requires all to participate, whether paying or insisting that the right thing is done.

We must also bear in mind that improving revenue mobilization is one of the ways we can demand social accountability from our leaders.

If we refuse to insist on receiving tax invoices whenever we make transaction, we defeat the purpose of good citizenship since the money that is expected to go into the consolidated fund for development ends up in people’s pocket.

Haven said this, we believe it is time for the GRA to make it possible for businesses to file their returns and make payments electronically so that we can conveniently stay in our offices and make payments or file returns.

Also, the migration from the manual system to the digital system would be easy when the level of compliance improved.

We also think that it is imperative for GRA to create a good relationship between taxpayers and tax administrators to help to create a friendly atmosphere in tax collection.

We believe that a good relationship will encourage other persons engaged in any taxable activity to apply and register with the GRA.

As citizens we must note that the tax laws oblige us to furnish returns on our income to the Commissioner-General of the Ghana Revenue Authority each year for assessment.

Filing tax returns is a responsibility imposed by law on all of us and honoring tax obligations qualifies taxpayers for a number of reliefs.
It is sad that some companies and businesses have failed to use the correct approach of taxing allowances, bonuses and other benefits enjoyed by employees and managers.

This phenomenon is not new since people do not use the right approach when taxing benefits such as accommodation, vehicle, clothing and fuel allowances, among others.

We must all as good citizens of Ghana do the right thing to help build this nation for a better future.


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