World Bank Group Mourns Busumuru Kofi Annan


I am deeply honoured to represent the World Bank Group and its President at the farewell to Kofi Annan, a powerful voice for peace who shared our dream of a world free of poverty.

As a proud fellow Ghanaian, I share the sadness of all my countrymen and women in mourning the loss of one of our finest sons. And as the liaison between World Bank Group management and our global membership of 189 countries, I bring the condolences of our entire organization to Nane, their family, the good people of Ghana and all who must bear the passing of Busumuru Kofi Annan.  May the soul of this true son of Africa and global citizen Rest in Perfect Peace.”

Yvonne Manu Tsikata
World Bank Group Vice President,
Corporate Secretary

In Accra: Kennedy Fosu, (233) 30-2214-142,;


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