UT Holdings ready to come


What started as a non bank financial Institution (Finance House)
licensed by the Bank of Ghana to provide customers with fast
and efficient short-term loans and real returns on investments has now grown to become one of Ghana’s biggest brands and
companies operating beyond the country’s shores. With an indigenous touch and a vision to take an African brand worldwide, the UT brand has extended its services, from the ‘unbanked’ informal sector, to cover the formal sector and provide top notch
services that is only unique to the brand. From a non-bank financial service provider, UT’s success and growth over the years
has birth what currently exists as  UT Group, a diverse but
synergistic business that is able to offer value added services
to customers across the various industries. In an interview with
Business Day, the External Affairs Manager of UT Holdings, Sophia  Lissah shared all about the UT brand, current
subsidiaries of UT Holdings and the vision of the company in the
next few years.


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