TUC unhappy with high graduate unemployment

Dr Anthony Yaw Baah, Dep. Gen. Secretary of TUC

The Trade Union Congress (TUC) has expressed concern about the high graduate unemployment in the country.

Dr Anthony Yaw Baah, the Deputy General Secretary of the TUC, who raised the concern, said the situation was unacceptable and disgusting, which required immediate remedy.

He was addressing members of the Brong-Ahafo Regional Council of Labour at a meeting in Sunyani.

Dr Baah described the current economic situation as “troubling”, but asked unemployed graduates to mount pressure on the government to create more jobs.

According to him, the unemployed graduates could do this effectively and achieve significant results, if they bury their political differences and come together to press home their situation to government and occasionally embark on demonstrations.

Dr Baah emphasized that until the unemployed graduates pressure the government, the TUC could not do anything for the government to address the national unemployment challenge.


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