No matter what kind of business you run, have you ever considered working with your family? You might think that it would cause utter chaos and stress. However, that’s not the case for Robert Nickell, who says yay to family members in business.
Robert Nickell is the CEO and Founder of Rocket Station. Robert founded the company in 2018, intending to offer college-educated Filipinos a career in small to mid-sized American companies.
Since its founding date in 2018, Rocket Station has transformed into a multi-million-dollar company with 10 percent month-over-month growth. To date, Robert Nickell and Rocket Station have helped over 700 Filipinos fulfill their dream of having a lucrative career. Robert did not start the business with an aim for personal success, although it is undoubtedly an added bonus. Instead, his aim was to offer a real opportunity to those with an education in developing countries.
Robert Nickell recognizes that all people should be given an equal opportunity, especially if they can assist their families and make their lives better. He says that to succeed, you should build meaningful relationships with your colleagues. And if those colleagues are your family members, then the relationships are already there; the first step has already been achieved.
However, there are challenges to working with family, such as keeping business limited to the office environment. You cannot bring business matters to your dining table and expect it to be smooth-sailing. Instead, creating a purposeful separation will keep relationships happy and business thriving.
Having family members involved in your business may seem like an outrageous proposition at first. However, when you look further than family feuds and recognize the benefits of having family in business, your venture may stand a chance to flourish beyond your expectations.