What military service could teach MBAs
In 1980, male military veterans were in charge of almost 60 percent of large public companies in the United States. By 2006, a mere...
Ghana’s Central Bank announces new monetary measures
In an effort to improve the circulation of currencies in the country to stimulate economic growth and aggregate demand, the Bank of Ghana has...
Tough times for SME’s …as cost of borrowing surge
The contribution of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) to creation of jobs and increasing aggregate output continue to dwindle as banks put in stringent...
Competing for talent in every geography
In the late 1990s, Steven Hankin of the consulting firm McKinsey & Co. provoked a lot of discussion when he coined the phrase “the...
Too much information
Over the past two decades, a wide range of experiments have shed light on how an excess of information and choice impairs decision making. One...
Shark Week Draws Record Demo Ratings for Discovery
Discovery’s “Shark Week” again took a big bite out of the competition, with this year’s edition ranking as the highest-rated ever in many demos...
When consumers win, who loses?
For most companies, doing what’s best for consumers makes
sense. But for economies, it can be dangerous. To understand why, start by thinking of an...
What makes work worth doing?
“Far and away, the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” Theodore Roosevelt, Sept. 7, 1903