Manhean community cries for economic development


Accra the capital of Ghana with the greatest population has a very large number of people inhabit.

Luxury isn’t a doubt to be a part of the city. Developed towns, estates and cities make the up the capital Accra thus making it a place of a comfortable abode for lots.

Irrespective of these developed and well equipped cities and towns, there are still a few that one could find hard to live contentedly.

An overview of the true history of Manhean, a developing town with a population of 1,000 is situated about 10KM away from Amasaman, all a part of the Ga West Municipal District. Many years ago in the 1918s, when citizens emigrated and immigrated from and into villages and towns, quite a number of them settled at a place called Densu. Aside living their hard and poor lives, comfort was also actually nothing to write home about.

Great tragedy befell the land. Animals reared for consumption and shelter died out. Natives lost their lives in several weird ways accompanied with great famine.

The Aged in the community realized not all lands were meant for a live in. Immigration was thus the only possible solution.

Arriving in their new town where they lived with love and harmony, compelled them to name the place ODOBEN  MANHEAN.

For easy identification and simplicity, Odoben was opted out leaving Manhean to stand alone, after few years.

Roads leading to this very town are all in bad condition. A town being in existence for so many years and having lots of natives occupy it, with it still hanging in the world of development is a question that rings a bell in the itchy ears of many.

‘’ It all depends on we the leaders. We have to be the voice of the voiceless. It seems we have sat with our arms folded for so long. The issue isn’t that we have been unconcerned, but it’s all that our voice hasn’t reached the ears of the government’’, a sincere exposure by one of the elders of the community, Mr. Solomon Torto.

He added that due to the dull action taken by the heads of the community, the government hospital that is currently in Oduman, a community a few distance away from Manhean, would have rather been built in the center of the town square of Manhean.

This Ga community which is rather not a victim of total darkness, still have lots of issues to deal with as far as development is concerned.

Three water tanks sit at vantage points in the community thus solve water issues when necessary. This water supply has been revealed by Business Day that they were not projects funded by the government but rather Indian Companies that visited the town a couple of years ago.

It was later revealed that these Indians sell the water to the natives at rather low prices and accumulate the monies in order to settle the loss incurred in its setting up. They promised to leave them to the community once the debt is cleared.

The people of Manhean seem to appreciate the great help of the Indians even though after many years the debt has still not been cleared because no matter the situation, it has created employment for most of the youths in the community.

The wails and cries of the people of Manhean unto the soils of the seat of the government is for them to be provided with a police station with a strong police service. This fervent wish of the town folks sparked up again when the robbery in the town became rampant few months ago.

Burglars broke into homes and shops of individuals, some churches lost their instruments as mothers were commanded to lay on the ground and were fingered after being stripped off of all their capitals for their businesses; a situation which put great fear in the female youth especially.

‘’Post offices and clinics could hold on for now since health Centre’s have been established by individual persons here and around the community. What we need is the construction of a police station to maintain law and order in the community’’, Mr. Torto stressed after disclosing that the town is also in a dying need of a market.

The dominant occupational activities carried out in the Manhean community is farming and fishing. A few are able to chase their children into classrooms financially with their business earnings while majority chase their children out of classrooms. It was then unraveled by Business Day in an interaction with a fish monger, Charity Neequaye, who disclosed that the fishing business isn’t very lucrative since there is only a bumper harvest after a heavy downpour.

It is rare for people to sell out their stuffs and make their bonafide profits since most of the families do work on their own farms and feed on its products. This overview portrays that the people of Manhean really do not live comfortable lives.

Aside these difficulties faced by the natives, they seem not to be interested in playing blame games. They still stand to respect the assembly man of the Manhean community who also look up after other four neighboring communities.

Currently there is a new project of a community lavatory under construction at the town square. Other social amenities have been provided under his governance. Town folks joined hands together to have their voices heard by the government to reach out to them.

By Stephanie Anyanah


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