Liquid Telecom has completed a two-month project to protect its network from signal failures during the anticipated heavy El Niño rains.
According to the Internet portal provider, the contingency measures will ensure customers switch data flows seamlessly in the event of a disruption. Also, users will have instant power backups at all hub sites.
In areas prone to flooding and landslides, Liquid has relocated fibre cable from the high risk areas such as construction sites.
“It has been an intensive exercise, however, there is no doubt in our minds that contingency measures deliver such significant benefits to our customers as to fully merit the attention, effort, and expense we have given them,” said Mr Ben Roberts, Liquid Telecom Kenya CEO.
Liquid Telecom, carries most of the country’s banking data, keeping ATMs working and transactions flowing as well as providing bandwidth to many of Kenya’s telcos.
The company has deployed a field team of 100 people consisting of Liquid Telecom Kenya staff and local contractors to man the 1,591km cable spanning from Malindi to Malaba.
The protective measures fully cover the Nairobi East and West regions, Western, Central and Coastal regions.
The company has reinforced bridge attachments over the Nyali Bridge, Nzoia, Yala, Nyando, Sondu, Chania, and Voi Rivers.
“In Kisii, we have created two routes, one overhead and one underground. In Nyeri Hill, we have ensured there is no compromised cable depth,” added Mr Roberts.
The company has also taken protective measures in areas such as Kano Plains that are at high risk of flooding due to their alluvial soils which poor drainage.
Other flood prone areas where the company has provided contingency solutions include those between Kericho, Molo, Mau Summit, and Eldoret.
It has also run power simulation tests countrywide to establish that there will be a reliable and seamless electricity supply switchover at the hub sites.