Lead counsel of Alex Saab condemns Cape Verde Authorities


Today Barlavento Court of appeal finally gave authorization for “the doctors of Alex Saab’s choice to examine him”.

At 14:00 Mr Saab’s doctors were authorized to enter the house in which he is detained.

Despite the court order the local police would not let the examination proceed unless they were also present along with a government doctors and the military.

In violation of all local and international norms and decency Mr Saab was forced to undergo his examination in full view of these third parties.

Once examination finished and the doctors were leaving the house the local police under instructions of Commander Evora forced the doctors to hand over one of the vials of blood without any authorization or justification.

Subsequently the doctors were refused permission to board the aircraft as Sal airport authorities informed them that they had received a call from “an official” who advised that the doctors were carrying “dangerous goods”, which they were informed were bottles of blood.

“We are informed that the call was made from the office of Commader Evora,” Dr. Pinto Monteiro, Cape Verde lead counsel for Alex Saab had stated.

Dr. Pinto said “this is clearly an attempt to intimidate medical professionals who have flown several thousands of kilometers to undertake a Cape Verdean court approved medical examination which was also authorized by the United Nations.”

He stated :”We are reaching to the authorities in Praia and hope that sanity will prevail.”


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