Journalists laud Newmont Akyem foundation project

Newmont Ghana

Journalists for Business Advocacy (JBA), have lauded the Akyem Mine of the Newmont Golden Ridge Limited, for their commitment to improve the economic lives of communities in their catchment area.

The journalists, as part of activities for the year, were touring the Akyem Mine areas to acquaint themselves with the mining operations of the Newmont Golden Ridge Limited at New Abirem.

The JBA is an advocacy group made up of journalists committed to advocating for small and medium-scale enterprises that are usually marginalized in the world of business.

Speaking on behalf of the JBA after the tour, Mr Suleiman Mustapha, the General Secretary, expressed satisfaction about the establishment of the Newmont Akyem Development Foundation (NAkDeF), in which for every ounce of gold sold, a dollar is deposited towards the development of the mining communities.

“As journalists for business advocacy, we are highly impressed about the fact that much of the funds from the Foundation are being channeled into enhancing the economic skills of the community members, as well as improving small and medium-scale enterprises in the mining area,” he said.

Mr Mustapha was happy about the provision of two smokeless stoves with working shed for oil palm processors, which sustains the economic living of the community members, especially women.

He urged the company not to relent in its good works for the communities.

The NAkDeF, set up by Newmont and the Akyem communities, has been registered as a limited liability company to establish and manage development projects in the mining communities.

According to Mr Felix Appoh, the Senior Manager for Sustainability and External Relations, the NAkDeF seeks to promote the type of development, which responds to the people’s needs, as well as represents their goals, objectives and priorities.

He said the Foundation had a seven?member Sustainable Development Committee (SDC) for each of the 10 communities and that it funded sustainable development projects, including educational scholarships to secondary, vocational and tertiary institutions, infrastructural and social amenities, youth development and promotion of culture, business development and economic empowerment,

The Foundation, which was established in 2014, has a total revenue of GH¢ 12, 773,086.02 being from the one dollar per an ounce of gold sold and returns on investment.

The programmes being executed under the Foundation for 2015 include the training of over 100 community persons with skill development, and the establishment of a micro-credit scheme in eight of the 10 mining communities.

The Foundation has among other projects, contributed to the improvement of roads in three communities, as well as the granting of educational scholarships to over 400 students this year.


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