Import duty killing local businesses – GUTA


The Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA) is pushing government to review the country’s import duty.

According to the association, the woes of local businesses has increased due to the high cost of import duty.

GUTA warns that cost of goods on the market will increase further if nothing is done about the situation.

The concern follows comment from President Akufo-Addo during the media encounter last year about talks to scrap import duties or slash it significantly to boost port operations.

National Organizer for GUTA, Clement Boateng speaking on Morning Starr about the need for reduction said it will help boost local businesses.

“Businessmen in the country have been complaining about high import duties but currently that is one of the ways government can also make revenue…but we are very prepared to engage government.

“We think that import duties are killing the business community in Ghana.”

But CEO of the Institute of Certified Economist Ghana, Gideon Amissah says GUTA’s demands are likely not to be met because of current ambitious projects of government.



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