The world of trading and investment can seem like a complex and impenetrable world to the uninitiated. Its jargon, procedures, and day-to-day operations can leave those looking to enter that world confused and lost. Many have been tempted by the high-yield returns the trading and investment world promises, but even more have left been stranded and bewildered in an environment they simply do not understand. It was to remedy this exact problem that HighStrike was launched over three years ago. Consisting of four stock traders and investors, HighStrike has one aim, and that’s to add value to the world of trading and investment for millions of individuals worldwide.
Founded in 2018 by CEO Ben Z, HighStrike comprises Clayton, Alex, and Ben C as its instructors. Their mission statement is to break down the world of trading and investment in an easily digestible manner that allows interested parties the opportunity to successfully participate in a field where huge fortunes can be made.
HighStrike’s Ben Z explained, “We want to help people make better trading and investment decisions. For far too long, a lot of people in this world have been extremely guarded about allowing in anyone who’s not in the club, so to speak. HighStrike wants to change that notion by consolidating all aspects of trading in one handy package. We believe that by giving people an opportunity, we are adding tangible value to the world of trading and investment.”
HighStrike provides carefully curated online courses and subscriptions to those keen to try their hand at trading and investment. Through discussion, education, charting, and analysis, the HighStrike team aims, in its own words, “to be the first platform that truly centralizes all aspects of trading, from discussion to execution.”
HighStrike believes in making the trading world more open and accessible to people. “Our role is to introduce common people to the lucrative world of trading and investing and build something significant,” concludes Ben Z.