The first ECOWAS Mining and Petroleum Forum (ECOMOF 2015) will take place at the Accra International Conference Centre from 6 – 8 October 2015.
This regional mining and petroleum forum is organised by the ECOWAS Commission, the Government of the Republic of Ghana, and AME Trade Ltd.
ECOMOF is an initiative of ECOWAS Commission on behalf of ECOWAS Member States.
Upon the recommendation of ECOWAS Ministers responsible for Mineral Resources Development through the ECOWAS Council of Ministers, the Authority of Heads of State and Government, at their 40th Ordinary Session held in Abuja, Nigeria from 16 to 17 February 2012, approved the organization of ECOMOF every two years, to be rotated among Member States, as part of the activities to promote and develop the mining and petroleum potentials in the ECOWAS Region.
Countries attending ECOMOF 2015
ECOMOF 2015 will gather the highest ranking government delegations from the fifteen ECOWAS Member States – Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal Sierra Leone and Togo.
The event will also feature local and international private and public sector participants who are the key decision makers in the West African mining and petroleum industries.
ECOMOF 2015 will include pre conference training and interactive workshops, an Industry conference with plenary and parallel sessions, roundtables and country presentations, a collocated trade exhibition and post event technical tours.
The main theme of the event is: ‘Valorising West Africa’s Mineral & Petroleum Resources through Regional Cooperation’.
About Ghana and resource management
The Republic of Ghana is the host country of ECOMOF 2015. The country is a shining example of best practices in mining and petroleum management in West Africa.
It has significant natural resources, achieved continuous 22 years of contemporary multi-party democracy since 1992, and centuries-old history of mining.
It is now the 9th largest gold producer in the world. It has made available total coverage of airborne data (magnetic and radiometric).
It also has significant reserves of bauxite, iron ore, solar salt, chlor-alkali and other industrial minerals.
Ghana operates an attractive legal and fiscal mining regime in line with international best practices.
Ghana has a stable regulatory environment that provides for transparent and equitable treatment of all investors and stakeholders.
The petroleum sector is undergoing a major transformation following the commercial discoveries of deep water oil and gas fields in the Tano/Cape Three Points Basin. The legal and fiscal reforms being introduced in this sector take from the best practises of other oil producing countries.