Ex-UT, Capital Bank staff begs BoG for 50% discount on loans


Workers of erstwhile Capital Bank and UT Bank are appealing to the Bank of Ghana (BoG) to, at least, offer them a 50% discount on the loans they took while working with their respective banks.

Their appeal follows information from the Joint Receivers indicating that their exit pay will be paid without any discount on staff loans.

In a letter to the BoG on the matter, the workers explained that the loans were taken for a specific tenure, but unfortunately, extraneous circumstances have contrived to truncate the tenure and also deprive them of their livelihoods, hence their humble appeal for the discount.

They further explained that if the outstanding balance of staff loans are deducted in bulk from the exit pay, many of them will be left with nothing, with some even still indebted.

“This will further aggravate our worsening unemployment situation, and we respectfully seek your intervention on humanitarian grounds” the said.

“We are by this letter humbly appealing for at least a 50% discount on loans on humanitarian grounds so that our people will not be empty handed after payment” they appealed.

As part of the Joint Receiver’s recovery efforts, many clients were given loan discounts, but the workers believe that as internal clients whose source of repayment has been truncated, they also need discounts to, at least, have something in hand to reorganise their lives.

The Finder


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