Dr. Bao-Tran Nguyen Shares Insights On Where Dental Schools Are Failing Their Students


Dr. Bao-Tran Nguyen is one of the most active dental practitioners on social media and the co-founder of the SmileCo brand of dental practices. During her extensive career Dr. Nguyen has also gone through the acquisition, growth, and sales process of dental practices several times. Along with her husband, Dr. Nathan Jeal, she has
bought, built and sold multiple practices. This powerful duo also founded Fast Growth Practice, a private advising company for doctors.

When asked about one of the greatest challenges during her career, Dr. Nguyen pointed out that there wasn’t anyone who could teach her how to succeed as a doctor. “My definition of success, when it comes to dentistry, is the ability to modify and create a dental practice that works for patients and for me and my team,” Dr. Nguyen says. “Unfortunately, no one will teach you in school how to do that.”

Dr. Bao-Tran Nguyen says that dental schools and universities teach students how to provide the technical aspects of care. However, running a dental practice is no different than running any other company, and to do that, it is necessary to develop skills beyond the strictly clinical. “Once you have your own practice, you enter the business side of dentistry. This means that you need to learn how to run a business, grow and market your practice, and keep your patients happy and satisfied,” Dr. Nguyen says.
At the beginning of their careers, Dr. Nguyen and Dr. Jeal focused on acquiring as many practices as possible (five in two years). However, they quickly realized that running practices required the development of extensive knowledge and skill.

Investing a lot of time and money into sessions with CEOs, authors, coaches, and mentors turned out to be very fruitful, and it helped Dr. Nguyen and Dr. Jeal discover the growth strategies that work the best for today’s dental practices.
Remembering her difficult start, Dr. Nguyen decided that she would share her knowledge with other doctors. As a result, Fast Growth Practice was created, the only advising program in the world that teaches doctors how to grow a self-managing practice with authority marketing and improved case acceptance.

“Doctors need to learn how to bridge the gap between clinical training and what’s needed to succeed in practice. We are the missing link between what they learned in clinical education and what they need to know when it comes to the business side of running a dental practice,” Dr. Nguyen explains.
Becoming a successful doctor takes time and requires a lot of knowledge. Those who would like to improve their careers and boost the performance of their practices should check out Dr. Bao-Tran Nguyen and Dr. Jeal’s Fast Growth Practice program.
Once their training is complete, the doctors will be equipped with the essential skills needed to grow a practice, attract new patients, and improve their case conversion.


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