Details: Springfield E&P’s 1.5 Billion barrels oil discovery Offshore Ghana


Springfield Exploration and Production (SEP) Limited and its Partners, Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) and GNPC EXPLORCO, officially announce significant oil discovery following its maiden Afina-1 well drilling campaign in the West Cape Three Points (WCTP) Block 2, offshore Ghana.

Afina-1 which is located at a water depth of 1030 metres was drilled to a total depth of 4085 metres and encountered light oil with a gross thickness of 65 metres, with 50 metres light net oil pay in good quality Cenomanian sandstones.

The secondary target in Turonian age sands was drilled at the edge of the structure and encountered 10 metres of hydrocarbon bearing sands consisting of light oil and gas. Springfield has more than doubled its discovered oil in place volume to 1.5 billion barrels and added 0.7tcf of gas.

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