Facebook makes breakups easy


Facebook is trying to make breakups less hard to do and introduce a bit of nuance to its relationship management tools.

The company is testing tools to allow folks to manage how they interact with their exes. As social networking becomes the billboard of our lives things like relationship status changes get complicated.

You may like your ex, but really don’t want to see her much. Previously, your best option was to block that person. Now Facebook is rolling out tools that’ll bring a little nuance.

Facebook said:
This work is part of our ongoing effort to develop resources for people who may be going through difficult moments in their lives.
Next time you break up, Facebook will show you a prompt for its new tools (yes, it’s creepy to a degree, but kind of handy). The tools highlight how Facebook is a bit like a digital life operating system these days.

In a nutshell, you can see less of your ex. You can also limit where you see your ex. Generally speaking you can keep your dreaded ex from your news feed without unfriending them and control what photos you see.

Facebook is even allowing users to edit who can see past posts and untag themselves. There goes the history lesson in those dating background searches.

The company said it’ll tweak the tools based on feedback and they are optional. From a data perspective, Facebook is likely to garner some mass data on how people manage breakups.



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