Apply For The Google AI Impact Challenge

1035 has issued an open call around the world for organisations to submit ideas to use AI to help address social issues.

Organisations who are selected by Google will receive support and funding from a $25 million pool as well as credit and consulting from Google Cloud.

Application Criteria


Google will look at the proposed ideas to see how it addresses a societal challenge and to what extent it helps to address that challenge. The company will also see if the proposal is grounded in research and data about the problem.


Does the team have a well-­developed, realistic plan to execute on the proposal? Does the team have a plan to access a meaningful dataset and technical expertise to apply AI to the problem? Have they identified the right partners and domain experts needed for implementation?

Use of AI

Google will review proposals and verify if they apply AI technology to tackle the issue it seeks to address


Google will review proposals to see if they can scale beyond the initial proposal.


Lastly, Google will review the proposals and verify if the proposed use of artificial intelligence aligns with Google’s AI Principles.


Organizations will have until 11:59:59pm PST January 22, 2019 to submit their applications. After the deadline, Google and our panel of experts will review proposals and announce grant recipients in spring 2019.


Applications will be reviewed by a number of experts in the AI space at Google and other companies.

Source: Google AI


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