Technology To Layoff Workforce By 2020


The development caused by loss of job due to technological advancement is known as technology unemployment. Such change typically includes the introduction of labour-saving robot; an intelligent machine built and designed to look like a human or other creature, usually made from metal to carry out some complex task or group of tasks especially one which can be programmed. Automation is also a mechanical-mind by which a process or procedure is performed without human assistance. Automation deals with various control systems for operating equipment such as machinery, processes in factories, boilers and heat treating ovens, switching on telephone networks, steering and stabilization of ships, aircraft and other applications and vehicles with minimal or reduced human intervention. And finally, AI(Artificial Intelligence) also known as machine intelligence demonstrates machines in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. It can excel at a frequent high volume tasks unlike humans.

It’s a new era of globalization where technologies and inventions took the world by a storm. Technology has already taken over 90% of the jobs humans used to do thus, according to Forbes in January 2018. Just as horses employed as prime movers were gradually made obsolete by the automobile, human jobs have also been affected throughout modern history.

The way technology is use determines if its impacts are positive or negative to the society. Positivly, technology have some positive impact on humans; to travel, to communicate, to learn, to transact business, it provides good healthcare, inventions and to live in comfort. However, it’s poor application has resulted in negative factors like pollution of the environment, and atomic weapons to name but just a few which has caused serious threat to society.

Across the globe, technology is growing at a very fast pace with America, Europe and Asia at the forefront. With Africa not keeping up the pace and hence lagging behind. But, notwithstanding the fact that Africa is lagging behind in terms of technology does not mean efforts will not be made. Hence there have been quite some innovatory strives by some African countries. Recent Global Innovation Index 2018 report indicates that, South Africa tops in Africa being ranked 58 out of 126 countries in the world with Ghana placing 107th position in terms of innovation.

Developments in artificial intelligence, robotics, and biotechnology, would disrupt businesses in the world in a similar way to previous industrial revolutions and administrative and white collar office jobs are most at risk from a “fourth industrial revolution”, the World Economic Forum said in a report published in 2016. The forum surveyed senior executives from over 350 of the biggest companies in 15 of the world’s major emerging and developed economies. Together, those economies account for 65% of the global workforce.

The World Economic Forum also found out that as many as 7.1 million jobs in the world’s richest countries could be lost through redundancy and automation alone. Those losses would be partially offset by the creation of 2.1 million new opportunities in sectors such as technology, professional services and media. Countries will have to invest in transforming their workforce if they want to keep up with the changes and avoid a worse case scenario of “talent shortages, mass unemployment and growing inequality,” founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Martin Schwab said.

In education, around 65% of children starting primary school today will end up working in jobs that does not yet exist, and their future training is crucial, according to the World Economic Forum report. For diverse workforces in terms of gender, ethnicity and age, for companies, it is very crucial to succeed in the rapid changing world.

Meanwhile, in the banking sector, bankers who conduct teller services will be eliminated as automations like the ATM(Automated Teller Machine);card which is used to dispense cash or performs other banking services when an account holder inserts a bank card will be more efficient and effective. As robots will be in-place of teller services to customers for faster and better service. Although it is proven that customer relationship skill in terms of interactivity from teller services is far better than automation.

Today in the 21st century as a global village, there is a vast dynamism in technology. This calls for the proper use of technology to solve problems facing people and making the world a better place. The future, can be determined by creating relevant technologies which will eventually simplify the way things need to be done. Although it is possible to explore how each new advanced technology has impacted lives, it is impossible of how it will impact the future. But one can only be ahead of technology only by making everyday a new challenge. Besides, technology was invented by man.

Prince Schroeder


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