2017 first quarter GDP rises to 6.6%


Ghana’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the first quarter of 2017, grew by 6.6 percent.

This compares with the 4.4 percent recorded in the same period of last year.

For the first quarter of this year, Ghana’s GDP at constant prices including oil was 8, 557.8 million cedis compared with the 8,028.4 million cedis recorded in the same period of 2016.

Meanwhile the 2017 first quarter GDP at constant prices excluding oil was 7,931.0 million cedis down from the 7,634.0 million cedis recorded last year.

According to the Ghana Statistical Service, industry recorded the highest GDP growth of 11.5 percent.

It was followed by agriculture with 7.6 percent while services recorded the lowest GDP growth of 3.7 percent.

Ghana’s GDP at current prices for the first quarter of 2017, oil inclusive recorded 44,731.8 million cedis.

This is lower compared with 36,452.2 million cedis recorded in the same period in 2016.

Also, GDP at current prices for the first quarter of 2017, oil exclusive recorded 42, 965.3 million cedis compared to 36,041.3 million cedis in 2016.

Source : citibusiness


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