MiDA improves capacity of energy sector regulators

millennium development authority improves capacity

The Millennium Development Authority (MiDA) is to work to improve key lapses in the capacity of regulators in Ghana’s energy sector as part of the power compact two agreement with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC ).

It follows the completion of a capacity scan of all the regulators in the energy sector.

According to the CEO of MiDA, Martin Eson-Benjamin, the exercise is necessary to coordinate activities among the regulators in the industry.

Mr Eson-Benjamin spoke to Citi Business News at a workshop to present the findings of a capacity scan (CAP Scan) over the last one year.

“In order that they can work harmoniously, there is the need for this study which overarches all the various sectors and see what it is that we can do together so that whenever there is a shortcoming, they will bridge it.”

The MiDA boss further explained that his outfit will select priority areas to be improved within the agreement period, while the Ministry of Energy continues on improving the remaining, subsequently.

He also told Citi Business News the exercise should lessen existing challenges in the distribution of power in Ghana.

“After presenting the results to us, we will select out of that and prioritise the results because there are some that we can do within the compact period while the Ministry of Energy would have to look at the remaining. But those that we can do for the government we have to do within the time which is left in the compact so if it is three years that is left, we will select what it is that we could do to support the Ministry,” he added.

The capacity building is set to benefit institutions like the Ministry of Energy, VRA, GRIDCo, PURC as well as the Energy Commission.

The US and Ghana have since 2015 agreed to a private sector participation in the latter’s energy sector.

The agreement involves an estimated 500 million dollar injection from the US government through MiDA.

Currently, MiDA is engaging the services of a concessionaire to assume the management of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG).

Source: citibusinessnews


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