McOTTLEY Outdoors Corporate Cloth


McOttley Holdings, a leading financial and real estate institution in the country has outdoored its corporate clothing.

According to management of McOttley, the new Friday wear cloth, which replaces the organization’s current Polo shirts, gives staff a better and more lasting corporate dress while enhancing the brand and professional look of staff and company.

“We went for this option of corporate cloth to enhance the brand and make us look professional and beautiful in serving our clients. We will wear the cloth on Fridays as we exhibit national traditions, at the same time being ambassadors for McOttley,” Richard Dugan, Executive Director of McOttley Holdings said when speaking at the official launch of the corporate cloth in Accra.

Mr Dugan cautioned staff and users of the McOttley cloth to treat it with respect.

He called on staff to make continuous efforts to keep professional standards at all times and support the company’s efforts of building the McOttley brand which is synonymous with Quality and Professionalism.


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